After two years I returned to the Nonnenfels to try Mekka again and to look whether I felt better now. And it did – for the very first time I could do the crux move and checked out the upper part. But I needed about 15 tries to stick the dyno one time. We hadn’t much time so I checked it out and then rested for one single go. In the meanwhile, Juli climbed the Jubiläumsriss (6b+). It’s not really hard, but tricky and you have to watch out not fall suddenly. Nina refused to try it and switched to some easier routes around the corner …

Trying to stick super the far move to a bad pocket while not cutting my fingers on the sharp pebble stone.
After a long rest, I did my try and was not even close sticking the dyno. But I had to get to the top to get my quickdraws, so I tried the dyno another few times. Until I nearly stuck it, but just got a small super sharp pebble stone directly before the jug and cut off a huge part of skin out of my finger. It blooded a lot and this was the final end of this short climbing day.